Oppose a huge slate of dangerous religious bills.
The religious extremist movement that seeded the insurrection is in full swing in the Arizona state legislature. This has meant a bombardment of hard-right Christian nationalist bills. Many of these are aimed at women's reproductive rights. Others carve out insane legal exemptions for churches. Many threaten the public health, and nearly all violate our 1st Amendment rights.
We're asking you to take action with us against every urgent Christian nationalist bill in play, below:
HB2648: Allowing religious gatherings when other groups can’t - This bill casts aside reason and common sense to force the state to allow in-person religious gatherings during a public health crisis. The extremely broad religious exemptions created by this bill will have unforeseeable consequences and put at risk the safety and health of Arizonans.
HB2060: Forcing the Pledge and “moral reasoning” time - Would require public school students to say the Pledge of Allegiance and participate in at least a minute of “moral reasoning.” This legislation has the intent of endorsing religious practice, and therefore may confuse public school administrators and educators. It puts schools at risk for liability, and it may result in religious coercion against Arizona students and families.
SB1362: Expanding AZ’s already too-broad religious refusal statutes — Arizona’s existing religious refusal law is one of the most expansive in the country, and expanding it — thereby further endangering patients’ wellbeing — is both harmful and wholly unnecessary. Patients and their doctors should make their own health care decisions. A health care provider’s religious beliefs should never determine the care a patient receives. No CEO, executive, or board of directors of a hospital should be able to put their religious views ahead of medical standards or women’s health.
HB2575: Privileging religious visitors – this bill, pushed by the Center for Arizona Policy and the Catholic Bishop’s Conference starts with a seed of compassion, but fails the secular test. It carves out a special privilege for clergy members to visit dying patients in hospitals. The problem? 1) This bill is unnecessary since ADHS has rules which cover this, and 2) The bill’s authors forgot that nonreligious people don’t want to die alone either. All Arizonans — not just the religious — should have companionship at the end of life.
SB1325: Religious privilege in therapy/counseling — We oppose the strike-everything amendment to SB1325. The proposed language bans banning conversion therapy. You read that right. This law would make it illegal to ban the pseudoscientific, homophobic behavior modification program used by fundamentalist religions. One Republican voted with all of the Democrats to kill an identical bill in committee last week (SB 1482), but its author brought the language back in the form of this amendment.
SB1457, SB1381, SCR1009: Abortion Restrictions & Criminalization – Bills like these perpetuate myths and lies about women who have abortions and the doctors who care for them. People have a right to autonomy in their own healthcare decision-making, free from guilt, shame, and religiously motivated restrictions and criminal charges. Shamelessly, SB1381 forces birth on pregnant people with disabilities. This is a deeply personal decision best made by pregnant people and their health care provider. Politicians should neither interrogate personal decisions about pregnancy, nor deprive people the ability to become a parent.
SB1254 — uses state resources to promote unlicensed religious fake pregnancy centers and unlicensed adoption centers, while at the same time censoring information about abortion care.
SB1452 — a HUGE expansion of school vouchers and private tuition scholarships, funneling even more taxpayer dollars into religious private schools.
SB1273 – ditto, above, except expanding the similar School Tuition Organization tax credit.
HB2725 — mandates that people only be able to select “male” or “female” as their gender on government documents.
SB1251 & HB2404 — sends millions to fake, unregulated religious clinics.
Oppose two religious bills undermining women's healthcare
Oppose two religious bills undermining women's healthcare
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