We're getting the whole picture on legislative prayer in AZ.

As you may know from our Legislative Wrap-Up report, we monitor over a hundred prayers delivered on the floor of the Legislature each year. But what's happening on the city and county levels?

We launched a big project this year to find out. In the process, we uncovered a wide range of practices being used, ranging from commendable to frightening. Read more from our legal department about what we discovered and what we're doing to work toward invocation practices that are fair for everyone.

Do you know someone with a background in non-profit leadership and a commitment to racial and social justice community building? Secular AZ is hiring for Executive Director. We're looking for someone who can help build on the progress we've already achieved and to help ensure Secular AZ's sustainability while stepping up our game in education and civics.

Interested? Read more here and apply by Sept. 5th.


Please consider making a donation to sustain Secular AZ.

Your support helps us keep fighting to keep church and state separate in our state's laws, public policies, and public schools. We can't do it without you!

Secular Coalition for Arizona | PO Box 19258, Phoenix, AZ 85005

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