Can children be required to recite the Pledge of Allegience?

State lawmakers worked hard this session to figure out ways to impose groupthink on students. Representative Fillmore from the far east valley and Pinal county introduced HB2060, requiring school children in grades 1-4 to recite the Pledge every morning. Under current law, they may if they like; under Fillmore’s bill — which thankfully died in committee — they would have been required to do so unless their parents wrote an excuse.

With new Pledge requirements now being implemented in places like Iowa, Secular AZ's Legal Director Dianne Post breaks down the history of coerced pledging and its ties to Christian nationalism.

Don't let Ducey ignore voters on public schools.

Massive tax cuts just passed by Governor Ducey are a scheme to circumvent the will of the voters who passed Prop. 208 — which was supposed to send hundreds of millions in desperately-needed funds to public schools.

Help get the issue on the ballot! Save Our Schools Arizona and Invest in AZ Now have set up petition stations across the state. Find one near you on their Facebook pages here or here, or check out the web directory here. Pop by for 5 minutes to sign — or better yet carry some petitions yourself!
(Are you carrying petitions? Let us know so we can promote your efforts.)

Do No Harm

Humanists from Arizona — including Tory Roberg from Secular AZ and Ron Russell from Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix —joined the American Humanist Association's 2021 Lobby Day efforts, meeting with staff for Senators Kelly and Sinema, urging them to sign onto the Do No Harm Act. They were joined by the Congressional Freethought Caucus.

The Do No Harm Act would refine the existing Religious Freedom Restoration Act, keeping it from being used to erode nondiscrimination laws, collective bargaining laws, child labor laws and more.  

The bill has been introduced in the House. The Senate version was last introduced by then-Senator Kamala Harris and is still waiting for a new champion. We’re calling on Arizona’s two Senators to take up the mantle.

Read more facts about the bill and ask Senators Sinema and Kelly to introduce/support it:

•    Senator Sinema: (202) 224-4521
•    Senator Kelly: (202) 224-2235


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