SB1269 — the bill prohibiting local laws banning conversion therapy — passed committee this week. However, it was seriously damaged by overwhelmingly negative public outcry. Thanks again to you, this is yet another religious extremist bill now being discussed in a whole new light at the legislature. We're working behind the scenes on this one for now. We'll let you know when further action is needed. SB1456, which places severe restrictions on sex education, has passed committee and will head to the House floor, likely next week. SB1457, Arizona's very own fetal personhood bill, is in limbo following Rep. Regina Cobb's (R-5) announcement that she will not support it as written. You are partly to thank for this. It is still possible Rep. Cobb may change her mind if the bill is amended, though, so this bill is still high on our watch list. SB1273, expanding the state's School Tuition Organization tax credit program (which funnels public money to religious schools) also recently passed committee and will proceed to the floor. Your contacts with lawmakers are making a big impact on all these bills. Thank you for keeping up the pressure. More action will still be needed, but we'll let you know when we think the time is right. Stand by for more action alerts as soon as next week. For more updates on the progress of important bills, check out Secular AZ's bill tracker here. |