New reasons to attend Secular Summit

If you’re not signed up to attend our statewide Secular Summit next Saturday, here are a few recent developments from just the past couple weeks — the type we’ll be discussing and organizing about at the summit:   


Another Christian nationalist flag bill introduced

Senator John Kavanagh (R) of Fountain Hills—one of the worst performers on Secular AZ's 2023 Legislative Report— has prefiled a bill forcing HOAs to allow the display the Christian nationalist “Appeal to Heaven" flag.

The flag—flown prominently by extremists during the Jan. 6th insurrection (above)—is connected to a political movement of evangelical Christians who oppose same-sex marriage, reproductive freedoms, and other supposed “biblical” principles. Similar protections are not offered for flags representing the beliefs of Americans with any other religious views, making this bill a flagrant 1st Amendment violation.

Governor Katie Hobbs (D) signed a similar bill written by Kavanagh this year, privileging the Betsy Ross flag—an image also co-opted by extremists

Senator Kavanagh can be reached here.

We'll be discussing the significance of these flag bills at the 1/6 Secular Summit.


Public slams Deer Valley curriculum rejection; political smears heat up

Last month, the Deer Valley Unified School District governing board voted 3-2 to reject a middle school curriculum because it contained anti-racist content. This month, public comments were dominated by calls to reinstate the curriculum.

Member Kim Fisher also launched into a vicious political attack on one of her rivals, insinuating Member Elizabeth-Ann Ordway lied about needing to work remotely while she recovered from cancer. As part of her smear, Fisher also tried to shame Ordway for blaspheming. (Saying “Oh my God.”)

Fisher can be reached here. President Jennie Paperman (who allowed this to proceed) can be reached here. You may also donate to Member Ordway's cancer fundraiser here.

We'll be discussing how we can organize for better school boards at the 1/6 Secular Summit.


Upcoming School Board Meetings

Volunteer to monitor meetings here.

Volunteers needed to collect signatures for abortion amendment

Arizona for Abortion Access has launched the petition gathering effort to put abortion on the ballot in 2024. The “Arizona Abortion Access Act” would enshrine the fundamental right to abortion in Arizona’s constitution for generations to come. The amendment is critical to ensure abortion access in the state.

The campaign must collect 383,923 valid signatures from Arizona voters by July 3, 2024 in order to qualify on the ballot. Sign up to be a volunteer here.


Secular AZ
PO Box 47756  | Phoenix, Arizona 85068
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