Christian nationalist flag bill advances

A bill introduced by State Senator John Kavanagh (R-Fountain Hills), SB1022, would force HOAs to privilege a Christian nationalist hate group’s flag. The bill will be considered in Senate Government Committee on 10am Jan 17th. Public comments will be heard.

Governor Katie Hobbs (D) signed a similar bill written by Kavanagh this year, privileging the Betsy Ross flag. SB1022 goes much further.

The “Appeal to Heaven” flag was flown prominently by extremists during the Jan. 6th insurrection (above). It is connected to a political movement of evangelical Christians who oppose same-sex marriage, reproductive freedoms, and other supposed “biblical” principles. Similar protections are not offered for flags representing the beliefs of Americans with any other religious views. 


1) Contact members of the Senate Government Committee with your opposition to SB1022

Eva Diaz (D) - (602) 926-3473 -

David C. Farnsworth (R) - (602) 926-3387 –

Jake Hoffman (R) (Chairman) - (602) 926-3292 –

Juan Mendez (D) - (602) 926-4124 –

Wendy Rogers (R) - (602) 926-3042 –

Janae Shamp (R) - (602) 926-3499 –

Priya Sundareshan (D) - (602) 926-3437 –

Justine Wadsack (R) - (602) 926-3106 –


2) Attend the committee hearing at 10am 1/17/24

In the Senate Government Committee in room SHR1 in the Senate Building at 1700 W Washington Phoenix, AZ 85007, details here


3) If you are a Request to Speak user, log in with your opposition


Humanists organizing nationally for trans rights

On 1.22.24, American Humanist Association will be hosting a Town Hall to discuss the bills being introduced in legislatures all over the nation that target the rights of trans individuals:

Volunteers needed to collect signatures for abortion amendment

Arizona for Abortion Access has launched the petition gathering effort to put abortion on the ballot in 2024. The “Arizona Abortion Access Act” would enshrine the fundamental right to abortion in Arizona’s constitution for generations to come. The amendment is critical to ensure abortion access in the state.

The campaign must collect 383,923 valid signatures from Arizona voters by July 3, 2024 in order to qualify on the ballot. Sign up to be a volunteer here.


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PO Box 47756  | Phoenix, Arizona 85068
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