1. If you have an account, use Request to Speak to sign in as AGAINST on SB1325 (conversion therapy ban ban), and; 2. Call and email your Legislators about the other bills: - Use our action alert to send an email to all your legislators at once.
- Call your one (1) State Senator and two (2) House Reps and leave a message with the assistant or on voicemail similar to the script below.
Don't have your legislators' contact info? Look it up here. Script: Hello, I’d like to leave a message for Senator/Representative XXXX. My name is YYYY and I’m a constituent living in Senator/Representative XXXX’s district. Would you be able to give a message to the Senator/Representative? Please be sure to write it down for me. I’m a constituent living in your district. I believe that government and religion should be kept separate. There are several bills moving through the legislature which I’m requesting you vote “NO”. The bills coming to the floor I’m asking you to vote NO on are: (LIST BELOW FOR YOUR SENATOR) SB 1251 - $3M Appropriation for religious pregnancy centers & direct marketing SB 1254 - Gov’t resources to promote unlicensed adoption and religious pregnancy centers SB 1273 - Private school voucher and scholarship expansion SB 1362 - Expansion of religious refusals in healthcare SB 1377 - Protects churches (or any other business) from liability during a pandemic SB 1381 - Forced birth / invasion of privacy / abortion criminalizations SB 1456 - Anti-sex education bill SB 1457 - Abortion care restrictions & criminalizations SCR 1009 Perpetuates myths about people who get abortions and the doctors who provide abortion care (LIST BELOW FOR YOUR REPRESENTATIVES) HB 2060 - Requires Pledge of Allegiance / at least a minute of silent moral reflection HB 2404 - $3M to limited service crisis pregnancy centers (same as SB 1251) HB 2575 - Allows clergy to visit hospitals when others can’t HB 2648 - Religious services are declared essential during a pandemic HB 2725 - Erases non-binary people from being affirmed as their non-binary gender on state documents |