Anti-transgender resolution moving in Senate, could go to voters

Christian nationalists are attempting to send a variety of “Trojan horse” resolutions to Arizona voters that sound good on the surface, but carry an agenda.

SCR1013 starts by outlining a series of steps a student can take if they feel they can't use a school bathroom consistent with their "biological" gender. This process along with the optics of a special bathroom would effectively “out” trans students to staff and peers.

If a student is rejected for the special bathroom, SCR1013 gives parents the ability to sue the school if the student uses a bathroom consistent with their gender identity.

And as if that weren’t enough, SCR1013 also bans staff from using students’ preferred pronouns or names unless approved in writing by parents. And even then, it exempts staff members from having to use students’ preferred pronouns or names if they state a religious objection.    

We can’t count on a veto for this one. Because SCR is a resolution, not a bill, it would be sent to voters if the legislature passes it.

SCR1013 has passed committee and is headed for the Senate floor.  

WHAT YOU CAN DO: Contact your state Senator and urge a no vote on SCR1013.

Read more about students’ privacy rights.


Secular Day at the Capitol is back April 11th, 2024

Day at the Capitol is a chance for secular Arizonans from all over the state to meet, learn about issues, and make our voices heard at Arizona’s legislature. Save the date for a dynamic and inclusive event with engaging discussions, presentations, and community-building activities, which fosters a space for diverse perspectives and secular values.

More details and registration info to be announced soon!


Non-Partisan Advocacy: How 501(c)(3)s Can Educate And Advocate For Issues They Care About

Though public charities must remain nonpartisan, they have a critical role to play in advocacy activities throughout the year and particularly during the election cycle! Charities can engage in issue advocacy as well as conduct robust voter and candidate education campaigns, mobilizing the public to get out the vote. After this session by American Atheists, you will have a better understanding of how to safely engage in nonpartisan advocacy activities as a nonprofit organization – both on and off election years!

More information on Facebook

We're collecting Banned Books Again!

Many books facing bans today are targeted over religiously-rooted discrimination against LGBTQ+ people, as well over religious objections to content such as sex education and even blasphemy. Many other titles are banned to perpetuate white Christian nationalist versions of history, silencing and erasing minority groups.

So we’ve decided to launch a banned book drive!

We’re looking for donations of banned books to take with us to the March 9-10th  Tucson Festival of Books. The books will be offered at our booth for a name-your-price donation.

We’ll continue to collect through Banned Books Week in September and – if enough books come in – make more books available to students via future giveaways!

More details 



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