10 Commandments bill a trojan horse for discrimination, revisionist history

SB1151 adds the 10 Commandments to a short list of items that are allowed to be displayed in classrooms. (Others include the US flag, Declaration of Independence, and our State Motto in Latin meaning “God Enriches.” The latter was added by Republicans in 2018.)

Contrary to myths perpetuated by right wing politicians, the United States is not — and has never been— a Christian nation.

Furthermore, the 10 Commandment has no academic relevance to American history. This bill would serve to indoctrinate the next generation into a false narrative of Christian supremacy.

This bill is an insult to every non-Judeo-Christian taxpayer in Arizona. This demographic accounts for 1/3 of our population.

Our schools are funded by taxpayers from diverse backgrounds, including Native Americans, Sikhs, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and nonreligious people who deserve better than for their children to be commanded “Thou Shalt Not Have Any God Before Me” in the classroom — especially considering Arizona’s history of dehumanizing Indigenous children under missionizing “Indian School” programs.

The Supreme Court settled this in 1980, ruling displays of the Commandments were “plainly religious” and had “no constitutional educational value.”

SB1151 is about revisionist history, not American history.


Contact your State Representatives, regardless of party. SB1151 is a “trojan horse” bill designed to look innocuous to moderates.

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In Solidarity,

Secular AZ


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PO Box 47756  | Phoenix, Arizona 85068
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